Monday, February 2, 2009


That is right, back in November we were invited to join a few of Aaron's cousins and their families in Disney World for a week. We decided to join them and had so much fun. We were able to hit most the parks...Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom (our two favorite) MGM, and Epcot. Yes we really did enjoy the Animal Kingdom and everything in there. SOOO much to see.
We tried to watch the space shuttle launch off, we were told you could see it from all over, just how big it was would have been the thing. So we decided to stay at the house and watch it. But right before the launch, it got quite overcast and started raining soooo....We weren't able to see it. We could see a little light though the clouds but really, we didn't see it. Very sad! Not often are you in Florida to see a shuttle launch. Okay well I'm not there often.
But really we had a great time and had great company!
Thanks for the invite Judson's!

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